
Using Sidecar Subtitles With The Brightcove Player SDK for iOS, version


Sidecar Subtitles is an extension to the Brightcove Player SDK that allows you to add WebVTT subtitles to an HLS manifest from within an iOS/tvOS app. There are two primary uses for Sidecar Subtitles:

Video Cloud Dynamic Delivery

If you are a Video Cloud Dynamic Delivery customer, and you set all your captions on the Brightcove servers (Brightcove Studio, for example), then you will have no need for the Sidecar Subtitles extension. Dynamic Delivery ensures that your captions are inserted into the HLS manifest when your video is retrieved from the Internet, so there is no need for Sidecar Subtitles, and nothing else you need to do.

Still, if you are using Dynamic Delivery and need to add additional subtitle files after you have retrieved the video, you can still use Sidecar Subtitles to add them.

Quick Start

Legacy Video Cloud

If you are using legacy Video Cloud and need to make sure the captions you set up on the server are inserted into the manifest, then all you need to do is make sure that you are using a Sidecar Subtitles playback controller or session provider:

        NSString *policyKey = <your-policy-key>;
        NSString *accountId = <your-account-id>;
        NSString *videoID = <your-video-id>;

        BCOVPlayerSDKManager *manager = [BCOVPlayerSDKManager sharedManager];
    [1] id<BCOVPlaybackController> controller = [playbackManager createSidecarSubtitlesPlaybackControllerWithViewStrategy:nil];
        [self.view addSubview:controller.view];

        BCOVPlaybackService *playbackService = [[BCOVPlaybackService alloc] initWithAccountId:accoundId

        NSDictionary *configuration = @{
    [2] [playbackService findVideoWithConfiguration:configuration
                                         completion:^(BCOVVideo    *video,
                                                      NSDictionary *jsonResponse,
                                                      NSError      *error) {

            [controller setVideos:@[ video ]];
            [controller play];


BCOVSidecarSubtitles adds some category methods to BCOVPlaybackManager. The first of these is -createSidecarSubtitlesPlaybackControllerWithViewStrategy:. Use this method to create your playback controller. Alternately (if you are using more than one session provider), you can create a BCOVSSSessionProvider and pass that to the manager method that creates a playback controller with upstream session providers.

If you have questions or need help, visit the support forum for Brightcove Native Player SDKs at!forum/brightcove-native-player-sdks.

Using the Built-In PlayerUI Controls

The code snippet above presents a video player without any controls. You can add playback controls to your code like this.

Add a property to keep track of the BCOVPUIPlayerView:

// PlayerUI's Player View
@property (nonatomic) BCOVPUIPlayerView *playerView;

Create the BCOVPUIBasicControlView, and then the BCOVPUIPlayerView. This is where we associate the Playback Controller (and thus all the videos it plays) with the controls. You’ll need to set up the layout for the player view, you can do this with Auto Layout or the older Springs & Struts approach.

BCOVPUIBasicControlView *controlView = [BCOVPUIBasicControlView basicControlViewWithVODLayout];
self.playerView = [[BCOVPUIPlayerView alloc] initWithPlaybackController:controller options:nil controlsView:controlView]; // Add BCOVPUIPlayerView to your video view.
[self.yourVideoView addSubview:self.playerView];

Springs and Struts

Set the player view to match the video container from your layout (yourVideoView) when it resizes.

// Match parent view size
self.playerView.frame = self.yourVideoView.bounds;
self.playerView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;

Auto Layout

self.playerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;

[NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:@[
                                          [self.playerView.topAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor:self.yourVideoView.topAnchor],
                                          [self.playerView.rightAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor:self.yourVideoView.rightAnchor],
                                          [self.playerView.leftAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor:self.yourVideoView.leftAnchor],
                                          [self.playerView.bottomAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor:self.yourVideoView.bottomAnchor],

If you use the BCOVPUIPlayerView, you also need to remove one line above:

[self.view addSubview:controller.view]; // no longer needed when using PlayerUI

If you want to reuse the player with with another playback controller, you can simply make a new assignment:

self.playerView.playbackController = anotherPlaybackController;

The player view will automatically add the playback controller’s view to its own view hierarchy.

Please see the Brightcove Native Player SDK’s README for more information about adding and customizing PlayerUI controls in your app.

If you have questions or need help, visit the Brightcove Native Player SDK support forum.

Manually Populating Subtitle Data

Whether using legacy Video Cloud, or Video Cloud with Dynamic delivery, you can add your own WebVTT captions files at runtime.

The BCOVSidecarSubtitle extension will look for the presence of an array of subtitle metadata in the BCOVVideo object properties, keyed by kBCOVSSVideoPropertiesKeyTextTracks. If you are using BCOVPlaybackService to retrieve videos and those videos have text tracks associated with them, this will be populated automatically.

If you are providing your own videos or are using Brightcove Player without Video Cloud, you will need to structure the data as shown below:

    NSArray *subtitles = @[
        kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySource: kBCOVSSTextTracksKindSubtitles or kBCOVSSTextTrackKindCaptions, // required
        kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceLanguage: ..., // required language code
        kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyLabel: ..., // required display name

        // duration is required for WebVTT URLs (ending in ".vtt");
        // optional for WebVTT playlists (ending in ".m3u8")
        kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyDuration: ..., // seconds as NSNumber

        kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyKind: kBCOVSSTextTracksKindSubtitles or kBCOVSSTextTracksKindCaptions, // required
        kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyDefault: ..., // optional BOOL as NSNumber
        kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyMIMEType: ..., // optional NSString; @"text/vtt" for example

        // only needed if the URL does not end in .vtt or .m3u8:
        kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceType: kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceTypeWebVTTURL or kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceTypeM3U8URL
    @{...}, // second text track dictionary
    @{...}, // third text track dictionary

    BCOVVideo *video = [BCOVVideo alloc] initWithSource:<source>
                                             properties:@{ kBCOVSSVideoPropertiesKeyTextTracks:subtitles }];

The kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySource key holds the source URL of your subtitle track, and can be supplied as either a WebVTT URL or an M3U8 playlist URL.

WebVTT files should have a “.vtt” extension, and M3U8 files should have an “.M3U8” extension. If you cannot follow these conventions, you must include a kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceType key, and specify either kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceTypeWebVTTURL or kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceTypeM3U8URL to indicate the type of file referred to by the URL.

If you are supplying tracks to a video retrieved from Video Cloud, you should add your subtitles to any existing tracks rather than overwriting them. This code shows how you can add tracks to an existing video:

    BCOVVideo *updatedVideo = [video update:^(id<BCOVMutableVideo> mutableVideo) {

        // Save the current tracks
        NSArray *originalTracks =[kBCOVSSVideoPropertiesKeyTextTracks];

        // Create an array of your text track dictionaries
        NSArray *subtitles = @[
            kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySource: kBCOVSSTextTracksKindSubtitles or kBCOVSSTextTrackKindCaptions, // required
            kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceLanguage: ..., // required language code
            kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyLabel: ..., // required display name

            // duration is required for WebVTT URLs (ending in ".vtt");
            // optional for WebVTT playlists (ending in ".m3u8")
            kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyDuration: ..., // seconds as NSNumber

            kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyKind: kBCOVSSTextTracksKindSubtitles or kBCOVSSTextTracksKindCaptions, // required
            kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyDefault: ..., // optional BOOL as NSNumber
            kBCOVSSTextTracksKeyMIMEType: ..., // optional NSString; @"text/vtt" for example

            // only needed if the URL does not end in .vtt or .m3u8:
            kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceType: kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceTypeWebVTTURL or kBCOVSSTextTracksKeySourceTypeM3U8URL
        @{...}, // second text track dictionary
        @{...}, // third text track dictionary

        // Append new tracks to the original tracks, if any
        NSArray *combinedTextTracks = ((originalTracks != nil)
                                        ? [originalTracks arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:subtitles]
                                        : subtitles);

        // Update the current dictionary (we don't want to lose the properties already in there)
        NSMutableDictionary *updatedDictionary = [ mutableCopy];

        // Store text tracks in the text tracks property
        updatedDictionary[kBCOVSSVideoPropertiesKeyTextTracks] = combinedTextTracks; = updatedDictionary;


Please refer to the code documentation in the BCOVSSComponent.h header file for more information on usage of these keys.

Known Issues